2023年9月19日 星期二


我本人以最悲痛和沉重的心情,宣布我親愛的朋友和合作夥伴田進福先生 (Edward Tin )突然而離世。今天(9月18日),我們為失去這位令人敬重的好友哀悼,他的善良性格和源源不絕快樂正能量曾經照亮過我們無數人的心靈。

我與田sir的合作始於2018年,當時我們出版了他的攝影書籍《Made in Hong Kong》。與 田sir一起工作是一次難忘的經歷,他散發著無與倫比的友善和合作精神。他的專業精神和對卓越的堅定承諾在他的每項工作中都表現得淋漓盡致,他認真的工作態度令我印象深刻。即使面對挑戰,田sir的幽默感、鼓勵和堅定的支持也能提振我們的精神,推動我們前進。通過他,我真正明白到捕捉一張好照片所需要付出大量努力;沒有倚靠運氣的餘地。

我從未見過田sir有面容悲傷,這種態度無比鼓舞人心。許多年輕的攝影師都受過田sir 的薰陶。他經常無私地分享自己的攝影知識,田sir 逆市上積極致力於促進攝影師之間的和諧共處。

他的才華和奉獻得到了國際攝影界的認可,田sir 獲得了許多國際攝影獎項,包括著名的國家地理獎項。他的演講和攝影展覽吸引了來自各地的人群,用他獨特的視覺和藝術才華迷住了觀眾。

他在我的出版社Eastpro Publisher 有極大的貢獻。沒有他的堅定支持,我們是不可能達到今天的成績。田sir不僅僅是一個合作夥伴;他是一個好兄弟、一個值得信賴的知己。 在這無盡的悲傷中,我向 田sir的家人和親朋好友致以衷心的哀悼。願他們在心中找到美好回憶,無盡的安慰和力量。田sir ,你將永遠成為天空中最明亮的一夥星,你的善良和歡樂將繼續溫暖並鼓舞所有有幸認識你的人們的心靈。

It is with the most profound sadness and the heaviest heart that I announce the sudden and untimely passing of my dear friend and esteemed colleague, Edward Tin. Today, we mourn the loss of an incredible individual whose presence illuminated our lives in countless ways.

My journey with Edward began in 2018 when we collaborated on his book, "Made in Hong Kong”. Working alongside Edward was an unforgettable experience, as he exuded an unparalleled blend of friendliness and cooperation. His professionalism and unwavering commitment to excellence were evident in every aspect of his work, which he approached with remarkable finesse. Even in the face of challenges, Edward's infectious humor, encouragement, and unwavering support lifted our spirits and propelled us forward. It was through him that I truly came to appreciate the dedication and artistry required to capture a truly remarkable photograph; there was no room for luck, only skill and devotion.

Edward's infectious joy and cheerfulness were constants in his life. I never once saw a sad expression on his face, as he embraced each day with an unwavering optimism that was utterly inspiring. Many young photographers have shared stories of Edward's generosity and kindness, particularly when it came to imparting his knowledge and expertise. He never hesitated to share his insights selflessly, ensuring that others could learn and grow alongside him. Edward actively worked to foster harmony among fellow photographers, the embodiment of a kind and nurturing personality. His talent and dedication were recognized globally, as Edward received numerous international photography awards, including the prestigious National Geographic accolade. His speeches and photo exhibitions drew crowds from far and wide, captivating audiences with his unique vision and artistic prowess.

Notably, Edward's contributions to the Hong Kong photography community were immeasurable. His impact extended beyond his craft, as he played an instrumental role in the success and growth of my publishing company, Eastpro Publisher. Without his unwavering support and invaluable contributions, our progress would not have been possible. Edward was more than a partner; he was a brother, a trusted confidant, and a pillar of strength. His absence will be deeply felt by me, the members of Eastpro Publisher, fellow photographers, and all those fortunate enough to have crossed paths with him.

In this time of immeasurable grief, I extend my heartfelt condolences to Edward's family and loved ones. May they find solace and strength in the cherished memories they hold dear. Edward, you will forever shine as the brightest star in the sky, your kindness and infectious humor continuing to warm and uplift the hearts of all who were blessed to know you.



(取自EastPro Facebook)

(取自edwardtin74 Instagram圖片)








《顯影 PhotogStory》臉書專頁2023年9月19日)

田進福 Edward Tin on MeWe 2022年12月29日)

田進福 Edward Tin on MeWe 2023年1月15日)

田進福 Edward Tin on MeWe 2023年2月9日)

田進福 Edward Tin on MeWe 2023年2月14日)



Chun Fook Tin on YouTube 2023年3月22日)

相關文章:邱蓮達專訪田進福 《Made in Hong Kong》攝影展覽 細說香港情2020年12月18日

