2024年4月16日 星期二


陳橋逝世終年 96 歲 本港首代華人攝影記者 內地難民逃港照成經典

陳橋在 2017 年曾經返香港。(圖:楊德銘 facebook)

【Yahoo 新聞報道】本港著名攝影記者陳橋逝世,終年 96 歲。陳橋家人指,他在加拿大溫哥華時間 4 月 6 日中午,在當地醫院安詳離世,家人陪伴在側。陳橋早在 1956 年加入《英文虎報》,3 年後轉往《南華早報》任職攝影記者,直到 1987 年退休。被行內尊稱為「橋叔」的陳橋,見證香港無數大小事,不論是內地難民逃港、六七暴動、香港前途問題,還是城中普羅百姓的生活,他都以相機拍下。陳橋的新聞攝影廣受認同,除了曾獲得 6 項世界新聞圖片榮譽獎(Honour Certificate, World Press Photo),亦在 1985 年獲得英女王榮譽獎章(Badge of Honour)。

陳橋早在 1950 年代中已經做攝影記者。在六、七十年代,Nikon F 是不少攝記的主力相機,陳橋也不例外。 (Photo by Post Staff Photographer/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

2017 年,移居加拿大廿幾年的陳橋返港,跟一班攝影記者見面跟受訪,亦展示了他當年的攝影作品。(Photo by Robert Ng/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)


陳橋 1927 年在香港出生。少年時代遇上日軍侵華,他跟家人曾經返到東莞石龍的家鄉暫避,曾經做過鐵路的粗重工作。陳橋在香港重光後回流,跟隨母親在西營盤的正街賣魚維生,但後來不想再做「賣魚仔」,在姑丈介紹下就到了虎豹別墅,以木箱攝影機替遊客拍攝即影即有相片,這是陳橋第一份跟攝影相關的工作。

1956 年,陳橋得知《英文虎報》聘請黑房沖曬員,遂辭去替遊客影相的工作,加入報業。陳橋在黑房接觸不少攝影記者的相片,而他後來也成為一名半職攝記:除了要繼續處理黑房工作,也被委派拍攝不同的體育賽事。

獲取了攝記基本功,陳橋在 1959 年初轉職《南華早報》;另一邊廂,多宗新聞大事亦在往後數年迎接着陳橋。60 年代初,內地爆發飢荒,數以萬計民眾跨越邊境逃到香港,陳橋在 1962 年曾經到北區採訪,其中一張夫婦大哭的照片,成為了「逃港潮」的經典照片之一。當時一名香港工人葉先生在邊境附近迎接偷渡來港的妻子和小孩,但偷渡的兩人懷疑被捉到,交涉後只准讓小孩留下,妻子要返回內地。


陳橋過往接受不同傳媒,包括《香港 01》、《星島日報》等訪問,都曾經表示六七暴動令他印象尤其深刻。他曾表示,自己曾經到黃大仙東頭邨拍攝暴徒與警方對峙,結果被 10 多人圍毆,打傷胸骨,幸得一名左派銀行職員趕來拯救才能保住性命,事後看了多次跌打醫生,包了 3 日繃帶之後又再繼續採訪暴動。他並且形容,當時是「怕得幾多?就算害怕都只是一陣子的事情」。

六七暴動期間,陳橋經常被派往示威和暴亂最前線採訪。(攝 / 陳橋)

為拍一張好相片 暴雨下等足一個鐘

陳橋入行攝記初期先接觸體育攝影,讓他學會如何在快速且富動感的新聞場景拍攝。其中 1966 年 6 月 12 日暴雨的一張相片,更為他帶來新聞攝影獎。當年住在西營盤高街的陳橋曾憶述,聽到街坊指正街的大斜路因為雨水變成一道急流,不少人行經時都不慎跌倒。他拿着相機在路旁的大石守候了一個小時,終於見到一名女子因為急流絆倒,也讓他拍到那一刻驚險瞬間;巧合的是,正街就是十幾廿年前陳橋跟母親賣魚的地方。雖然陳橋獲獎後有得加人工,但他也曾坦言當時收入仍不夠,因此會不時「秘撈」接商業攝影工作。

1966 年 6 月 12 日,本港暴雨成災,西營盤正街的「長命斜」變成一道激流。陳橋在該處守候了一個鐘,最終成功拍到一名女士行經時跌倒的驚險一刻,這張相片亦為他帶來新聞獎項。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

陳橋初入行時最先接觸體育攝影,讓他學會如何在高速而富動感的新聞場景拍攝,他的攝影技巧亦在足球場上大派用場。圖為 1966 年 9 月 23 日,界限街球場上演東華對流浪。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

英兵與港女告別照 情誼橫跨半世紀

除了新聞大事件,城市裡的溫馨小品也為陳橋帶來難忘回憶。在 60 年代,歐美國家的海軍、水手在香港中轉休息是等閒事,陳橋亦在 1961 年 7 月底,巧合地拍攝到一名英兵 Tony Caller 跟女友 So Yun-mai 在尖沙咀海運碼頭依依不捨的一刻。1978 年 12 月的陳橋作品展,Caller 的朋友見到這張照片,立即通知 Caller 來參觀,事後發現 Caller 跟蘇小姐早已共諧連理,拖着一家大小前來。1987 年,陳橋獲得 Caller 夫婦邀請,他們於是重回舊地在碼頭拍照,模仿當年的畫面。

Caller 夫婦是陳橋不時記着的一對,陳在 2017 年返港時亦表示希望了解到兩人近況,攝影師楊德銘更曾經為前輩網上尋人。皇天不負有心人,陳橋和楊德銘成功找到 Mrs. Caller,然而同時得知其丈夫早在 1995 年因為癌症逝世。去年年底,陳橋在女兒的協助下,曾經跟 Mrs. Caller 視像見面。

1961 年 7 月 29 日,陳橋在海運碼頭拍到英兵 Tony Caller 跟女友蘇小姐告別的一幕,成為他攝記生涯裡的難忘相片之一。(攝 / 陳橋)

1978 年 12 月,陳橋在銅鑼灣「名店街」(Minden Plaza)的作品展吸引了不少人前來欣賞,當中更包括了 Tony Caller 的朋友。他發現 Caller 的相片後立即通知對方,結果陳橋的同事亦拍下了 Caller 帶一家大細前來的一幕,而當年的蘇小姐亦已經變成 Mrs. Caller。相片曾於 1978 年 12 月 29 日《南華早報》刊登。 (Photo by P. Y. Tang/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

相親相愛廿多年,Caller 夫婦在 1987 年邀請了陳橋再到海運碼頭拍照,模仿當年的畫面。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

陳橋在 1978 年 12 月底的作品展,當年在《遠東經濟評論》任職記者的劉慧卿都有捧場支持。圖中為《南華早報》總編輯 Robin Hutcheon。 (Photo by Sunny Lee/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

移居加拿大 曾返港導賞圖片故事

1987 年,陳橋結束了 30 年攝記生涯,並在 1993 年移居加拿大溫哥華。他曾經表示,移民當地並非他的主意,但久居後又讓他感受到溫哥華的寧靜,使他可以專心享受退休生活,打太極拳、站樁都成為了他的興趣,亦會不時做義工。移民後的橋叔拿起相機的機會少了很多,但對於以往的攝記歲月仍不吝分享,先後在 80 年代和 2006 年,分別出版《陳橋新聞從影廿年》以及《鏡頭下的歷史 —— 陳橋三十載新聞圖片錄》。2019 年 3 月,橋叔就曾經到中環的新聞博覽館親自導賞,跟參觀者講解他的圖片故事。

橋叔作為知名攝記,跟他相識多年的新聞工作者都對其離去表達感慨。其中時事評論員劉銳紹在 facebook 表示,「我初入新聞界時,橋叔已是著名攝影記者。他不單教我攝影,還教我採訪;更重要的是,他用他的言行,教我怎樣當稱職的記者,教我怎樣做真正的人!如今,去者安去!生者強生!」


70 年代初,九廣鐵路的終站仍然設在尖沙咀,陳橋曾經在該處拍到人頭湧湧的一刻。攝於 1972 年 4 月。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

香港地小人多,土地拍賣不時成為新聞焦點。圖為 1977 年 3 月,中環大會堂舉行的一場拍賣會,圖中舉手出價者,就是華光地產、卓能集團創辦人趙世曾,圖左則為華懋集團創辦人王德輝。(Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

1975 年 5 月,英女王伊利沙伯二世首次訪港。他跟丈夫菲臘親王一同到彌敦道,與迎接他們的市民見面。 (Photo by Chan Kiu /South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

「風姐」殺到,市民自然想盡快歸家,迫上巴士都在所不計。攝於 1978 年 7 月。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

港島大浪灣景色優美,小朋友落水玩當然開心。攝於 1977 年 4 月。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

球王比利(白衣躍起者)在 1972 年 6 月再度訪港,當時他在政府大球場與紐卡素踢表演賽。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

1977 年的香港仔,漁船的數目比現時多上不少。當時的鴨脷洲仍然設有香港電燈的發電廠,該處十多年後搖身一變,成為「海怡半島」,電廠亦搬到南丫島。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

1977 年 4 月,保守黨黨魁戴卓爾夫人抵達啟德機場。兩年之後,她帶領保守黨重掌執政權,開展長達 11 年的「鐵娘子時代」。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

港英時期的立法局,一直是由港督兼任立法局主席。圖為 1977 年 5 月,港督麥理浩主持會議,聽取議員鍾士元發言時的情況。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

麥理浩卸下西裝,立刻重拾親民一面。圖為 1977 年 7 月,麥理浩乘港督專車到訪石硤尾邨。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

1983 年 5 月,時任大律師公會主席李柱銘、跟周梁淑怡、李鵬飛等人組成 12 人「青年才俊團」訪京,表達對香港前途問題的意見,事後他們返港匯報訪京情況。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

1977 年 6 月,座落於德輔道中的連卡佛百貨要搬舖清貨,準備遷往皇后大道中。顧客唔執輸,把握最後機會到門市買特價貨。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

現時座落於跑馬地山光道的香港賽馬會會所,在 1970 年代仍然是馬房,馬伕不時會帶着馬匹,直接在山光道上斜返馬房。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

長江實業是銅鑼灣伊利沙伯大廈其中一個發展商。1977 年 11 月,長江實業創辦人李嘉誠(前排右)跟建築商偉成建築代表簽署合約。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

1979 年 1 月 31 日,鰂魚涌長華工業大廈一間塑膠廠發生火警,消防處奉召灌救,入過火場的消防員都被燻黑,暫時要抖一抖。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)

火警期間工廈冒出大量濃煙,水務署人員都要打開渠蓋,方便消防取水灌救。 (Photo by Chan Kiu/South China Morning Post via Getty Images)


Chan Kiu, veteran South China Morning Post photojournalist who captured Hong Kong’s defining moments, dies at 96

‧ Chan had 40,000 rolls of film to his name, capturing major events such as the 1967 riots, Bruce Lee’s funeral and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth’s first visit to the city

‧ He was the first local press photographer to be awarded the Badge of Honour by Queen Elizabeth for his contribution to the Hong Kong media industry in 1985

Chan Kiu points to a front page picture he took for the Post. The photojournalist joined the newspaper in 1959 and remained there for 28 years until his retirement. Photo: Dickson Lee

Chan Kiu, a veteran photojournalist who captured some of Hong Kong’s watershed moments for the South China Morning Post, has died at the age of 96.

Chan, who had 40,000 rolls of film to his name, died peacefully on Saturday in the company of his loved ones at a hospital in Vancouver, Canada.

The photojournalist captured major events in the city for the Post, such as the 1967 riots, superstar Bruce Lee’s funeral and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth’s first visit to Hong Kong.

His daughter Theresa Chan Lai-kuen said on Monday that her father was remembered as a staunch professional who was “always persistent, punctual and well prepared”.

“He made it a habit to arrive for interviews early – sometimes by up to two hours in advance,” she told the Post in a phone interview.

He was also a role model who demanded the best performance from himself, Chan added.

Chan joined the Post in 1959 and remained there for 28 years until his retirement.

The industry legend had shared that his favourite assignments were those that carried an element of danger, such as the riots that gripped Hong Kong for nearly a year in 1967.

British colonial misrule and radicalisation from China’s Cultural Revolution spilled over, converging with labour unrest in May 1967 agitated by Communist Party members in Hong Kong.

Eight months of rioting and bombings followed, resulting in 51 deaths and more than 800 injured.

In an interview back in 2018, Chan recalled being surrounded by rioters who assaulted him and attempted to destroy his camera, until a protest leader intervened, acknowledging his role as a journalist.

That period marked the most perilous phase of his career, where he dodged projectiles and navigated treacherous conditions.

But the veteran photojournalist had a soft spot for folk stories too, with his daughter Theresa revealing one of his favourites was the tale of British soldier Tony Caller and his Chinese partner, Dorothy So Yun-mai.

Chan Kiu, former chief photographer of the South China Morning Post, pointing to his front page pictures during his visit to the South China Morning Post office at Times Square in 2018, 30 years after his retirement. Photo: Dickson Lee

A photo from 1962: Yip Yat-yin (left), a metal worker in Hong Kong, and his wife weeping bitterly after they were told that the woman, who had crossed from the border illegally, had to return to China. Their son was allowed to remain with the father. Photo: Chan Kiu

Mao badges pinned to their chests, two women and a crowd of hundreds shout revolutionary slogans outside Government House in May 1967. Photo: Chan Kiu

Anti-British posters are pasted all over the walls of Government House in May 1967. Photo: Chan Kiu

A woman falls into floodwaters at the junction of Third and Centre Street, Sai Ying Pun in June 1966. Photo: Chan Kiu

Monks and nuns pray as they walk round the Happy Valley racecourse, sprinkling water on the grass. Three hundred of them led 3,000 devout Buddhists in a 12-hour ceremony, seeking divine intervention to ease the severe drought in 1963. Photo: Chan Kiu

Angry workers besiege the Labour Department office in San Po Kong in 1972 during a dispute over pay. Photo: Chan Kiu

Commuters push and jostle to get on a bus for an early ride home as severe tropical storm Agnes approaches in July 1978. Photo: Chan Kiu

South China Morning Post’s photojournalist Chan Kiu. Photo: SCMP

Angry depositors, like this woman, protest and clash with police outside the office of the chairman of the Canton Trust and Commercial bank as the bank began a winding-up proceedings at the Supreme Court in May 1965. Photo: Chan Kiu

The Philippine Pine from Manila runs aground after sailing into Hong Kong waters. Photo: Chan Kiu

Police riot squad units face thousands of demonstrators outside the Tung Tau resettlement estate in May 1967. The two groups are separated by a wide nullah. Photo: Chan Kiu

Victims of the Ma Tsai Hang fire toil in the afternoon sun to put up the framework of a hut at the site of the blaze in October 1979. Photo: Chan Kiu

SCMP chief photographer, Mr Chan Kiu, receives his Badge of Honour from governor Sir Edward Youde, at an insignia presentation ceremony at Government House in April 1985. Seventy-four people were honoured by the queen in her New Year Honours List. Photo: C. Y. Yu

Police struggle to arrest a minibus driver during a riot outside Kwun Tong police station in 1968. Photo: Chan Kiu

Undated black and white photo of a Chinese junk. Photo: Chan Kiu

Jockey Chiu Sze-duen (aka S.D. Chiu) lands upside down after falling from his mount, Endeavour, at Happy Valley on December 14, 1968. . Photo: Chan Kiu

On a troopship about to pull away from the docks in 1961, British army conscript Tony Caller (right) has a some last words for So Yun-mai, a librarian at the army’s Camp Kowloon base. Photo: Chan Kiu

Vietnamese illegal immigrants from China protest loudly on board a ferry about inadequate living conditions in December 1988. The Man Wah is a double-decker ferry chartered by the Government from the Hong Kong and Yaumati Ferry Co to serve as accommodation for newly arrived Vietnamese illegal immigrants. Photo: Chan Kiu

A crash at the 1970 Macau Grand Prix. Photo: Chan Kiu

Two children watching one of Hong Kong’s worst factory fires from a playground. The fire in the Tai Sang Industrial Building injured 16 firefighters and four others. Photo: Chan Kiu

Photo: Chan Kiu

Chan Kiu, the former chief photographer of the South China Morning Post, displays his photo of refugees at the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront. Chan retired in 1987. He went on to live in Vancouver, Canada. Photo: Robert Ng

He first captured the pair in a sentimental 1961 photo, where Caller is seen bidding farewell to So on the wharf at Tsim Sha Tsui. The caption published then read: “Tony Caller of 32 Medium Regiment RA says his last goodbyes to pretty Miss So Yun-mai, just before the UK-bound troopship Nevasa sets sail.”

The couple later got married and started a family in Britain, reuniting with Chan again nearly two decades later. He even snapped their photo at the same spot for their 25th anniversary.

He won more than 30 awards in Hong Kong and abroad throughout his career, and was the first local press photographer to be awarded the Badge of Honour by Queen Elizabeth for his service and contribution to the Hong Kong media industry in 1985.

Chan also snapped her photos when she visited the city with Prince Philip for the first time in 1975.

Chan emigrated to Canada in 1993, where he “enjoyed life, did volunteer work, and continued to impart his expertise to the next generation of news workers,” according to his family.

“He was especially involved with the Chinese diaspora community,” his daughter said.

《South China Morning Post》2024年4月8日)









2006年 9 月中僑互助會為他出版了《鏡頭下的歷史─陳僑三十載新聞圖片錄》,逐頁翻過去,我曾經過的62年非法入境者大逃亡,越南船民奔港,天星小輪加價暴亂,67暴動,保護釣魚台,反貪污、捉葛柏,連環殺手林過雲事件,多場颶風襲港,旭龢道山泥傾瀉,廣東信託銀行擠提,李小龍逝世,女皇訪港……一件件在他1993年離港前,於《英文虎報》《南華早報》任職期間香港發生的大事以圖片重現眼前。










出生在香港的橋叔,1987年退休,1993年移民溫哥華。最難得是他不會把拍攝對象視作「他者」,拍完了就拍拍尾鬆人。這樣的照片既有深度,更有溫度。最佳例子是他與英兵Tony Caller的半世紀因緣,實在是新聞攝記罕見的人情味個案。

事緣1961年7月29日,橋叔拍攝到Tony與他的女友So Yun-mai 在尖沙咀海運碼頭依依不捨告別一刻。1978年12月陳橋攝影作品展覽會期間,Calller友人見到這張照片,通知Caller來參觀,從而讓橋叔知道相中人已結成夫婦,拖著一家大細去到作品展現場。1987年橋叔獲夫婦二人邀請,重臨海運碼頭舊地拍照留念,重點是模仿當年畫面。

橋叔2017年返港度假會友,表示想知道Caller夫婦近況,得到攝影師楊德銘的協助,通過網上聯絡到Mrs. Caller,才知悉她的丈夫1995年因為癌症逝世。到了2023年年底,橋叔再在女兒協助下,跟Mrs. Caller通過視像見面。




殿堂級攝記陳橋尋獲昔日相中夫婦 英兵已去世22載 77歲妻現居英

被喻為香港第一代攝影記者的陳橋(橋叔)兩日前(10日)託攝影師楊德銘(Paul Yeung)幫忙在網上尋找Tony Caller夫婦。1961年橋叔在《南華早報》任職期間,拍下時任英兵的Caller與好友蘇小姐難捨難離的一刻,該幅碼頭離別照日後不但成為經典,橋叔亦因而與二人結緣。Caller夫婦於70年代成婚,及後他們結婚25周年,亦特地找橋叔拍照重現昔日溫馨時光,更約定2012年兩人結婚50周年時再拍金婚照,可惜最後失去聯絡。


陳橋於1961年拍下英兵Tony Caller與好友蘇小姐的離別一刻,照片其後成為經典,二人亦結成夫婦。(陳橋提供)

橋叔1961在《南華早報》工作時,曾經拍到一位離港英兵Tony Caller在船上與碼頭上的好友蘇小姐(So Yun-mai)的離別照片,該照片其後亦成為經典。兩人後來在英國結婚,並在1975年定居香港,兩人育有4名子女。





事隔兩天,楊德銘在fb帖文中指,昨日他們先找到Caller夫婦的女兒Catherine Dale。她指母親蘇小姐,亦即Caller的太太已經77歲,現身處英國,每年都會回香港一次。隨後楊德銘更透過WhatsApp與她交談,對方表示可以再聽到橋叔的消息感到十分興奮,坦言這是「期待已久的時刻」。

不過,其丈夫Tony Caller早在22年前因癌症去世,而昨日(11日)更是他的死忌。楊德銘在帖文中說:「她女兒Catherine Dale指接到我的電話時,說昨日是既甜又帶苦的一天。不過,她還是為這個奇緣感到莫名興奮。」



這次尋人之旅,楊德銘稱還証明了「六度分隔理論」(「Six Degrees of Separation」,即平均只需要5個中間人,便可以將陌生人連結在一起)真有其事。楊德銘再次感謝所有人的幫忙,「照片散播了緣份的種子,或許時辰來到,有天就能開花結果。感謝大家。期待他們真正見面的一刻。」


